We are so excited for this new challenge, aimed to help you detox every area of your life for glowing skin and a refreshed start to the year! This 21-day challenge will be hosted alongside licensed esthetician Andrea Turner, and will be full of resources and fun opportunities to connect with others and win a prize that includes...

✔️ A $50 Emogene & Co. gift card

✔️ A 1-on-1 skin consultation with Dr. Allyson Brennan

✔️ Oh She Glows Cookbook

✔️ An Emogene & Co. candle + headband

Below, you can download the challenge bingo card, which will help you keep track of the items you've completed during the challenge! We'll be sharing tips and more details over on Instagram throughout the challenge, and will announce our grand prize winner the 1st week of March!

To participate in the challenge, here's what you'll need to do...

1.Follow @emogeneco and @naturallytruebeauty on Instagram to keep up with encouragement and tips throughout the challenge! 

2. Post at least 1 Instagram story per week of you performing any item from your bingo card for all 3 weeks of the challenge! This doesn't have to be formal or long and there is no right or wrong way to post!

3. Post 1 Instagram feed post at the end of the challenge to showcase your results! We would love to see your before and after photos, or just hear about how amazing you / your skin is feeling and looking! But again, post whatever you are most comfortable with and confident in!

For all Instagram stories and posts, be sure to use the hashtag #emogene21day so we can follow your participation! If you do not have a public Instagram account, we will not be able to see/follow your progress, so you can either: change your profile to public for the duration of the challenge OR direct message your post to us directly @emogeneco so we can see it!

We'll pull the winner a week after the challenge ends, so if you start a little late, you can still participate!